InRide - Offer Your Fare

InRide Terms of Service

1. Personal data we process

These Terms of Use, referred to as "Terms," regulate your utilization of the InRide mobile applications, websites, products, content, facilities, and platform, collectively referred to as the "Platform." By either confirming your acceptance of these Terms or using the Platform in any manner, you establish a contractual agreement with us, known as "InRide," "we," "us," or "our."

By entering into this Agreement and/or utilizing or accessing the InRide Platform, you explicitly recognize your comprehension of this Agreement, IF YOU DISAGREE WITH THE TERMS AND CONDITIONS SET FORTH IN THIS AGREEMENT, YOU ARE NOT PERMITTED TO UTILIZE OR ACCESS THE INRIDE PLATFORM OR ANY OF THE SERVICES OFFERED THROUGH THE INRIDE PLATFORM. In the event that you employ the InRide Platform in a different country, you consent to abide by InRide's terms of service designated for that specific country. If your intention is to access or employ the InRide Platform for the purpose of utilizing InRide Business services on behalf of an organization that has contracted with InRide, and your use does not pertain to being a Rider or Driver, your access and utilization are regulated by the agreement existing between InRide and your organization.

Please be aware that additional terms may be applicable to specific InRide categories, such as InRide Deliver Anything, InRide XL.Further details regarding our privacy practices can be found in our Privacy Policy .

1.The InRide Platform

Our Platform serves as a bridge connecting independent third-party providers of transportation, Ride-sharing and logistics services, referred to as "Drivers," with their clients, known as "Passengers." When Passengers initiate a ride request, they propose a price for the services offered by the Driver. Upon receiving the request, Drivers have the option to either accept the proposed price or present a counteroffer.

Passengers enjoy the liberty to select their preferred Driver from the list of Drivers who have expressed interest in accepting the request. Once the Passenger confirms the ride, a distinct agreement is established between the Driver and the Passenger.

It is the responsibility of the Passenger to remunerate the Driver according to the price that both parties agreed upon via our Platform. This mutually agreed-upon price encompasses all expenses linked to the ride, including fees, tolls, levies, taxes, and more. Please be advised that InRide does not participate in, nor does it influence, the financial settlement process between the Driver and the Passenger in any manner.

2. InRide Status Update

InRide operates as a technology company and does not directly offer transportation, logistics, courier services, or any related services ("Services"). Instead, these Services are provided by independent Drivers who utilize our Platform. The decision to offer or accept these Services is entirely at the discretion of each user, and it is done so at their own risk.InRide does not exercise control or direction over Drivers, whether in a general sense or in the manner in which they deliver the Services. Any features, processes, or other efforts we undertake to enhance your experience on our Platform should not be construed as indicative of an employment or agency relationship with any user.

It's important to note that these Terms do not invalidate or impact the enforceability of any agreements that Passengers may have with Drivers concerning the provision of Services.

3. Charges

InRide may impose a license fee on Drivers for their use of the Platform. This license fee's amount may be subject to periodic changes. Your ongoing use of the Platform will signify your acceptance of these revised fees.

The license fee is applied for each completed order and is logged in your personal account, where you can access the current fee amount.

The charge for a completed order's license fee occurs either upon the vehicle's arrival at point A or when the Passenger is contacted before selecting the "I have arrived" button. If the Passenger cancels the order or fails to appear, the payment is refunded to your account. In such instances, please select "The passenger didn't come out." Refunds in such cases may take up to 30 days after the order is canceled and reviewed by InRide.

In the event that there are unused funds in your account after you have communicated your desire to delete the InRide App and terminate the Terms, kindly submit a written request, along with your bank account details for the refund, through Please note that InRide does not provide cash refunds, and the refund will be processed within 10 to 15 working days from the receipt of your written refund request.

Should there be unused funds in your account, and we have not received your written request for a refund within a period of 1 year, InRide reserves the right to debit these funds.

If your Driver account balance in the InRide app becomes negative, you are required to settle the full debt amount within 3 calendar days. Access to the InRide app will be restricted until the debt is cleared, during which time you will not be able to view ride requests from Passengers or engage in negotiations.

Drivers are responsible for the accurate collection and remittance of all relevant taxes associated with the Services facilitated through the Platform. InRide will not assume any liability for any tax-related discrepancies arising from transactions between Passengers and Drivers.

At its sole discretion, InRide may periodically introduce promotions, discounts, referral programs, and loyalty programs, collectively referred to as "Offers," with varying features accessible to both Passengers and Drivers. These Offers may impact or be applied towards service payments or ride prices, leading to reductions in the respective amounts. Offers are granted in the form of Bonuses, which are exclusively valid for use within the InRide app, non-transferable, and non-redeemable for cash. Bonuses may be utilized to cover license fees for Driver orders.

Further information concerning Offers may be communicated through in-app notifications or other specified means mentioned in these Terms. InRide retains the authority to withhold or deduct Bonuses or other benefits acquired through Offers if it is determined or suspected that the redemption of the Offer or receipt of the Bonuses was erroneous, fraudulent, illegal, or in violation of applicable promotions or these Terms. InRide also reserves the right to terminate, suspend, modify, or cancel any Offers at its discretion and without prior notice to users.

4. Account registration

To utilize the features of the Platform, it is imperative to establish an account with us. To register, you must meet the following criteria: you must be either at least 18 years old or of the legal age of majority in your country (whichever is higher), possess the capacity to enter into a contractual agreement with us, and employ the Platform within the boundaries of applicable laws. During the account creation process, it is mandatory to furnish precise and up-to-date personal information.

To mitigate the risk of fraudulent activities, ensure your security, and adhere to anti-money laundering regulations, sanctions laws, and other relevant legal requirements, we will request specific information from you when setting up your Account to confirm your identity. Periodically, we may also ask you to update and revalidate your information.

It's important to note that we provide distinct account options based on whether you intend to use the Platform as a Passenger or a Driver. To create a Driver account, additional information is necessitated, and you must successfully complete the verification process.

Should you choose to employ the Platform in a different country, you hereby acknowledge and accept that you will be governed by InRide's Terms applicable to that specific country.

5. Account Maintenance

It is essential that you promptly update any changes to your account details. If there is a change in your mobile number, please notify us without delay. It's important to note that if you cease using your mobile number, your mobile service provider may reassign it to another individual who, upon using the Platform, may gain access to your account.

Granting authorization for others to use your account is strictly prohibited. You must ensure the security of your device access and maintain the confidentiality of your login information. You will be held accountable for all activities conducted under your account. If you suspect that your password has been compromised or that a third party has accessed your account, please promptly inform us by reaching out through

6. Account Deactivation

You possess the liberty to deactivate your account at your convenience. This can be accomplished through the app settings or by reaching out to our user support team via However, please be aware that in certain instances, we may not be able to deactivate your account or may need to retain specific information for legitimate reasons. These reasons could encompass the prevention of fraud, ensuring user safety, complying with legal obligations, or managing any unresolved claims or disputes. For further insights into the handling of your information following account deactivation, kindly consult our Privacy Policy.

Accounts that have remained inactive for a period exceeding three years may be subject to deletion. It is imperative to note that we reserve the right to either terminate or suspend access to your account, as detailed in the "InRide's Rights" section.

7. Passenger Safety and Security

At InRide, we are fully committed to the health and safety of our users, and we implement reasonable measures to maintain a secure and protected environment within the Platform. For instance, we diligently review the documentation submitted by all Drivers before granting them permission to offer their Services. Furthermore, we may carry out periodic checks to confirm that the Driver's account is being used by the registered individual and that the associated vehicle corresponds to the Driver's account. Additionally, Passengers may be asked to undergo a liveness check or verify their identity by providing a government-issued ID number.

Despite our unwavering efforts, we acknowledge the inherent limitations of an online platform in ensuring offline safety. We do not possess control over the quality or safety of the transportation services that result from the use of our Services.

While we strive to provide a secure environment, we cannot guarantee the absolute authenticity of each Passenger or Driver. We encourage users to thoroughly examine the photos of the Driver or Passenger displayed on the Platform to ensure they match the individual in person. However, if you ever encounter a situation where the Driver who arrived differs from the one shown in the InRide app, please promptly report this to InRide. We will initiate an investigation and take appropriate liability measures against the Driver.

We strongly advise users to exercise prudence and care when engaging with other users. The utilization and provision of Driver Services are undertaken at your own discretion and risk.

In instances where you perceive a potential threat to your health or safety, we urge you to immediately report it to our user support team via or utilize the "SOS button."

The "SOS button" offers two options:

  • It allows you to initiate a call to the police in your country. By clicking the "Call the police" button, a standard dialing interface with the appropriate police number pre-filled will open.

  • It enables you to share your ride information with a contact from your list. Clicking the "Send ride information" button will open a recipient selection panel, after which your ride information will be sent to the specified contact number.

We are dedicated to maintaining the safety and convenience of our app, and therefore, we continually enhance and refine our user verification systems and application functionality.

8. Driver's Responsibilities

In fulfilling the role of a Driver and providing the Services, you hereby affirm, guarantee, and consent to the following:

  • Possession of a valid driver's license, along with all requisite permissions and authorizations that enable you to offer the Services. You further attest to your physical fitness to deliver these Services.

  • Ownership or lawful authorization to operate the vehicle employed for Service provision. This vehicle should be in excellent operational condition, adhering to both statutory and industry safety standards and criteria.

  • Commitment to providing Services solely utilizing the vehicle reported to InRide.

  • Prohibition of any individuals accompanying you in the vehicle while rendering the Services.

  • Abstinence from delivering Services while impaired by fatigue, alcohol, drugs, or engaging in any unsafe or unlawful conduct during Service provision.

  • Non-discrimination against Passengers based on any criteria.

  • Refraining from requesting any supplementary payments beyond the price agreed upon with the Passenger through the Platform.

  • Responsibility for calculating, charging, and remitting all relevant taxes as stipulated by the applicable legislation in the jurisdiction where you provide services to Passengers.

  • Willingness to cooperate with our reasonable requests for information pertaining to the Services and your utilization of the Platform.

  • Pledge not to employ information obtained through the Platform for purposes unrelated to the use or provision of Driver services.

  • Adherence to the requirements of all pertinent laws related to anti-money laundering, sanctions, anti-corruption, anti-bribery, prevention of illegal trade, and the thwarting of terrorist financing. Additionally, you commit to not taking any action that may result in a violation of these laws, nor to encourage or induce any participation in such activities.

  • Compliance with InRide policies that are applicable in your specific country.

9. Driver and Passenger Interactions

It is essential that you demonstrate respect towards fellow InRide users in all interactions. Your communication with other users should strictly pertain to matters related to the Services, and you must refrain from sharing any extraneous contact details. Once the Service is concluded, communication should cease, unless it pertains to the return of a lost item. Engaging in any other form of communication may be considered harassment and could result in the suspension or termination of your account.

In our effort to facilitate user interactions, we provide various communication features on the Platform, such as comments, in-app chat, or in-app calls (availability of these features may depend on your location). Please be aware that we maintain the right to monitor and record your exchanges with other users on the Platform to ensure compliance with these Terms.

In instances where this functionality is accessible, you may contact the other user through their mobile number as provided within the app interface. In such cases, standard mobile charges set by your mobile carrier will be applicable.

10. InRide Correspondence

You may receive various forms of communication from InRide, which include operational notifications related to your account, updates concerning InRide and the Platform, requests for feedback, as well as marketing communications. We may reach out to you through email, SMS, phone calls, and push notifications. For those categories of communication that necessitate your consent, we will adhere to local regulations and provide you with an option to decline such communication.

11. Restricted Activities

You are prohibited from using the Platform in the following ways:

  • Engaging in any illegal activities.

  • Violating these Terms or any other Platform rules and InRide Policies.

  • Employing the Platform for purposes not aligned with these Terms.

  • Transferring or selling your account, password, or identification to any other party.

  • Assuming another person's identity or concealing your own identity, or attempting to use another user's account.

  • Encouraging others to partake in unlawful or hazardous activities.

  • Engaging in stalking, threats, or harassment towards others.

  • Uploading inaccurate, inappropriate, or illegal content on the Platform, content that infringes upon someone else's rights (such as intellectual property, privacy, or personality rights), or any other unlawful content.

  • Disrupting the Platform's operations or security, attempting unauthorized access to the Platform or its associated systems or networks.

  • Creating a situation that could hold InRide liable or subject us to regulation as a transportation or taxi service provider.

12. InRide's Authority

We possess the authority to conduct an investigation into any suspected violation of these Terms. During this process, we may temporarily suspend your access to some or all of the Platform's features, depending on the severity of the suspected violation and acting in a reasonable and objective manner.

Furthermore, we may decide to temporarily or permanently suspend or terminate your account, or impose limitations, or restrict your access to certain Platform features in the following circumstances:

  • We determine, in a reasonable and objective manner, that you have repeatedly or significantly breached these Terms or other InRide rules and Policies.

  • We have valid reasons to believe, objectively, that you are on the verge of a significant breach of these Terms.

  • We are legally obligated to do so.

  • It is deemed reasonably necessary to address a critical technical, safety, or security issue.

If we have previously terminated your account due to breaches of these Terms, but you subsequently use our Platform (e.g., by creating another account), we reserve the right to suspend or terminate such accounts.

If you believe we have made an error in suspending or terminating your account, you have the option to appeal through

13. Your Uploaded Content

You are accountable for the information, files, and images (collectively referred to as "Content") that you share on the Platform. It is your responsibility to ensure that your Content complies with applicable laws and respects the rights of others. We do not commit to reviewing users' Content and do not assume any liability for it. If we have a reasonable belief that any Content breaches these Terms or poses harm to InRide, our users, or third parties, we may remove or limit access to that Content.

Your Content remains your own, and we do not claim ownership over it. By uploading content to the platform, you grant InRide an enduring, irreversible, global, royalty-free, and non-exclusive license to use your Content. This includes the right to reproduce, adapt, create derivative works from, perform, and publicly communicate your Content. This license is granted for the purpose of operating, enhancing, and providing the Platform.

14. Intellectual Property Rights

The Platform incorporates various Content, such as design elements, images, sounds, texts, databases, computer code, registered and unregistered trademarks, and similar objects, owned or licensed by InRide. This Content is protected by copyright, trademark, patent, trade secret, and other intellectual property rights. InRide, along with its licensees where applicable, holds all rights, title, and interest in the Platform, including all associated intellectual property rights. This encompasses the software, app, services, and any suggestions, ideas, enhancement requests, feedback, recommendations, or other information provided by you or any other party concerning the Platform.

InRide grants you a limited, non-exclusive, non-transferable, non-assignable, and revocable license to: (a) access and use the Platform solely on your personal device for the purpose of using the Platform; and (b) access and view any Content or materials that may be accessible through the Platform, strictly for your personal, non-commercial use. All rights not explicitly granted to you herein are retained by InRide and/or its licensee.

You are prohibited from, and may not allow any third party to: (a) alter, replicate, or generate derivative works based on the Platform; (b) engage in reverse engineering, decompilation, disassembly, or any other efforts to uncover or alter the source code of the Platform, whether for the purpose of creating a competitive product or service, developing a product that resembles the Platform, copying any concepts, features, functions, or graphics; (c) frame, link to, or replicate any part of the Platform on any other server or wireless or internet-based device; (d) post, distribute, or reproduce copyrighted material, trademarks, or other proprietary information in any manner without obtaining prior consent from InRide.

15. Indemnity

You consent to safeguard, indemnify, and absolve InRide, its affiliates, subsidiaries, and their officers, directors, employees, and agents from any and all claims, requests, losses, liabilities, and expenses (including reasonable legal fees) that may arise in connection with: (a) your utilization of the Platform or the Services; (b) any breach or violation by you of these Terms, any relevant laws or regulations, or the rights of any third party (referred to collectively as "Losses").

16. InRide’s liability

To the fullest extent allowed by applicable laws and regulations, we hereby exclude and disclaim all conditions, representations, and warranties, whether explicit, implied, statutory, or otherwise. This includes, without limitation, any implied warranties of merchantability, fitness for a particular purpose, or non-infringement of third-party rights.

In no event shall InRide be held liable to you or any party for any direct, indirect, punitive, economic, prospective, special, exemplary, incidental, consequential, or other damages or losses of any nature (including, but not limited to, personal injury, emotional distress, loss of data, goods, revenue, profits, use, or other economic benefits). These damages or losses may arise in contract, tort (including negligence), or in any other manner related to the Platform. This includes, but is not limited to, your use or inability to use the Platform, any reliance you place on the completeness or accuracy of any advertising, or any relationship or transaction between you and any Driver. This applies even if InRide has previously been informed of the potential for such damages.

Third-Party Services

There is no joint venture, partnership, employment, or agency relationship between InRide and any of our users. To the fullest extent permitted by law, InRide is not accountable for the actions or omissions of any Driver or Passenger or any of the Services provided. InRide will not engage in disputes or negotiations between Platform users. You explicitly relinquish and discharge InRide from any and all liability, claims, causes of action, or damages arising from your interactions with other Platform users.

While certain Third-Party Services or Content may be available within the Platform, accessing some of them will require leaving the Platform. By clicking on a link to access such Services, you agree to be bound by the terms and conditions and privacy policy of that website, destination, or independent service provider, which may differ from those of InRide. InRide will not provide prior notice that you are subject to the terms and conditions (including privacy policies) of another website or destination. You use all links in third-party websites and advertisements at your own discretion, as these are external to the Platform and not under the control of InRide. In no event shall InRide be held accountable or liable for any products or services offered by such third-party providers.


Governing Law and Dispute Resolution

These Terms are governed by the laws of Saudi Arabia. In the event of a dispute, our initial approach will be to seek an amicable resolution with you. Any disputes or claims arising from or relating to these Terms, including disputes concerning their validity, breach, termination, or nullification, will be ultimately settled in accordance with the Rules of Arbitration of the Saudi Chamber of commerce. The arbitrator will be appointed in accordance with the aforementioned Rules.

18. Modifications to These Terms & Condition

Periodically, we may modify these Terms or the Platform. Our latest version of the Terms will be available in our app and on our website. Moreover, we will provide you with reasonable notice when substantial changes that affect you are implemented.

Should you wish to continue using the Platform following updates to the Terms or the Platform, you will be required to accept these changes by continuing to use our services. In the event that you do not agree with these modifications, you will need to discontinue your use of the Platform.

Please note that unless substantial changes are made to the arbitration provisions, the modification of these Terms does not constitute a renewed opportunity to opt out of arbitration (if applicable).

19. General

We commit to delivering the Platform to you with a reasonable level of skill and care. However, it's essential to understand that we provide the Platform "as available" or "as is." This means that we do not make any representations, warranties, or guarantees regarding the reliability, security, timeliness, quality, suitability, availability, accuracy, or completeness of the Platform.

To ensure optimal performance, please keep the Platform updated to the latest app version and verify its compatibility with your device. We recommend using the Platform with a data plan that offers unlimited or very high data usage limits.

The Platform may include links to third-party websites, advertisements, services, offers, or other events or activities that are neither provided, owned, nor controlled by InRide. You engage with these links at your own discretion and risk.

It's important to note that these Terms do not impact any statutory rights that you may possess and cannot legally modify or waive. You will always retain the full protections afforded by the applicable laws.

If you have any questions regarding the InRide’s Platform or Rideshare Services, please contact us Via